Title Sequence idea
Our title sequence idea is to create a yearbook which is opened by all the conventional characters that are seen in teen comedy dramas, for example 'the jock', 'the elite', 'the freak' and 'the nerds'. The title sequence will show all of these characters opening the yearbook and showing the audience their school photos whilst also showing pages such as prom day and graduation day. When creating the title sequence we need to make sure that it is very conventional, this is so it looks as realistic as possible, without the right costume and props the title sequence will not be as effective. When creating the sequence it is crucial for us to add in bright bold colours throughout the yearbook so the audience are aware that it is a high school film.
Monday, 29 February 2016
The 'Elite' Scene
Today me, Jazmine, Bronte went out to under the shelters to film where the elite group open the book, the 'elite' group include Me acting as the main 'popular' girl, Ella bradford and Ellie Whelan being shown throughout the sequence as my sidekicks. Under the shelter we filmed Me sitting on a bench opening up the yearbook, with Ella Bradford. Once filming the scenes me being the editor had to go back and edit this into our Sequence. When editing i had to over lap the shots of the girls at their yearbook photos with the shots of them opening the yearbook, although i was able to do this it is very hard to enable this to look how we all want it to look, this is due to if their is a slight move from the camera the yearbook opening moves with it allowing the yearbook photo shots to stay where they are, this then enables them to become of target which doesn't look good within the sequence, as we have a couple weeks left to do our sequence we are still trying to think of a way of filming that will allow this fault not to happen.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
'The Elite' scene
'The Elite' yearbook photographs and recordings are expected to mirror their identities as being somewhat shallow, sure and self fixated. Bronte guided me to play with my hair then look into the camera with an impartial outward appearance, both myself and Jacob complete our recordings with a clear outward appearance this was purposeful as we are both the primary characters inside of our social gathering. Bronte had then coordinated Ella to play with her pig tail and grin at the camera this mirrors her ditsy identity and depicts her as the bimbo of the gathering which is significant as she is blonde and this is a generalisation that blondes convey. Ellie makes a gesture of blowing a kiss into the camera and grins this recommends her character is flirty and wanton which is the thing that Bronte being the director wanted to get crosswise over while guiding her. None of the activities of each of the Elite group are suggestive that they are knowledgeable or great individuals rather they have been spoken to as shallow, boys orientated(due to them taking pride in their appearances with a full face of cosmetics and Ellie's activities inside of the video) and unapproachable. This is an extremely commonplace representation of Popular young ladies inside of secondary school dramatisations. Besides I think it is clear from the yearbook recordings and photos that these are your cliché mainstream faction of teenage girls that you would hope to discover in a secondary school dramatisation film, all of our ideas from this specific gathering was taken by films clueless and mean girls.
Freak scene update
We first shot our freak opening the book on a table with lined paper in the background, we did this to help keep the conventional aspects of a High school drama/comedy however once i started editing i was notified that it had looked very odd, this was due to her going from walking with the book to ending up on a table, therefore we had to think of a setting that would fit more with the sequence whilst helping it flow.

Friday, 26 February 2016
Editing has become one of the hardest aspects about our title sequence, due to us needing every video to fit perfectly within the video to give it a real life effect. As the characters open up the yearbook we have not only overlapped the videos onto the yearbook we had to also overlap images that were found online, for example on the geek page due to us not being able to find another geek to use, we had to find something that would feel the green square that was placed within the yearbook, after discussing it with my group we came to the conclusion of adding in a 'headboy' not only did this allow us to feel in the space however it had also fitted perfectly with the Geek character and the colour scheme which allowed it to have a real life effect.
On the graduation page overlapping had to also be done, this was due to there being a black space at the bottom of the page, we wanted the yearbook to look as pact as possible, therefore finding something to cover the blank space had become crucial, after having a discussion with my group we came to the conclusion that adding in the dates the pupils started and finished their school years at Welling High would be a nice aspect to add in, which like the head boy page had fitted perfectly within the page.
On the graduation page overlapping had to also be done, this was due to there being a black space at the bottom of the page, we wanted the yearbook to look as pact as possible, therefore finding something to cover the blank space had become crucial, after having a discussion with my group we came to the conclusion that adding in the dates the pupils started and finished their school years at Welling High would be a nice aspect to add in, which like the head boy page had fitted perfectly within the page.
Creating the Welling High yearbook

Within the Yearbook it has inside: The freak page, the jock page,the elite page and the nerds and a graduation page.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
25th February filming -
During todays lessons and after school me and Jazmine had shot and edited some of our Title sequence, the shots that were filmed today include of:The 'Elite' girls in their school photo-shoot,
The 'Nerd' and his photo-shoot whilst also shooting him walking with the book and finally The 'freak' walking with the book. During filming today the props and costume we needed were:Glasses,checkered shirt, Welling High book. To film both the Nerd and freak walking with the book we had to use the tracker, this was due to us wanting a smooth shot of both characters walking. To film all shots today we had just used the standard cameras within the school and a tripod.
The 'Nerd' and his photo-shoot whilst also shooting him walking with the book and finally The 'freak' walking with the book. During filming today the props and costume we needed were:Glasses,checkered shirt, Welling High book. To film both the Nerd and freak walking with the book we had to use the tracker, this was due to us wanting a smooth shot of both characters walking. To film all shots today we had just used the standard cameras within the school and a tripod.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Welling High Badge
On the front of our yearbook the welling high school badge is being put onto it, although we could of got one online we decided to create the Badge ourselves, due to the significant colours of the school being blue and red as shown on the jock page, we have decided to have the badge both blue and red - this is what it looks like:
Once finishing of the logo we had to find a high school to put onto the front of the
the yearbook,once we had chose a school we had to edit the name of the school to 'Welling High', this is what it had turnt out like:
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Story boards
These are the storyboards i will using to help give an out line of our title sequence. The title sequence will be set in a school yearbook, showing the freak, the jocks, the elite and the nerds, with also events such as prom night and graduation day.The idea of the title sequence is to show the school years and characters through the yearbook, it will take the audience on a journey of each important role within the film looking through the yearbook.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Welling high pitch
For the Title Sequence we had to pitch the idea of our film to the class, this is so that the class understand the idea of our film and once our title sequence has finished our class will be able to understand whether the sequence links in with the genre of the film we pitched.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Judd Apatow - Director
The film director we decided to use for our film was Judd Apatow. Judd Apatow is an American actor and comedian however Apatow is known for his directing skills with movies such as Bridesmaids, The 40 year old virgin, Trainwreck etc. Apatows big screen breakout came from the 40 Year-Old-Virgin, not only did Apatow director the film however he also wrote and produced it and thankfully because of this Apatow had made and earning of almost $110 million in the domestic box office and another $68 million over seas. Apatow had then become known for This is 40 and Knocked up. Apatow usually focuses on realistic, commical improvised dialogue and for our film i believe this would fit perfectly with the humour within the film which we are looking for, Apatow also likes to direct his films at the rear of well over two hours, this is something which is uncharacteristic for comedy films however allows an attraction to the audience.
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