Title Sequence idea

Our title sequence idea is to create a yearbook which is opened by all the conventional characters that are seen in teen comedy dramas, for example 'the jock', 'the elite', 'the freak' and 'the nerds'. The title sequence will show all of these characters opening the yearbook and showing the audience their school photos whilst also showing pages such as prom day and graduation day. When creating the title sequence we need to make sure that it is very conventional, this is so it looks as realistic as possible, without the right costume and props the title sequence will not be as effective. When creating the sequence it is crucial for us to add in bright bold colours throughout the yearbook so the audience are aware that it is a high school film.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Evaluation: Part 5

How did you attract address your audience?  
When planning our film we was adamant our film and sequence would attract and address the audience of teenage female girls, therefore the creation of our title sequence had to really convey this. Being a teenage girl our film would definitely attract myself due to the memorable soundtrack and the use of new and current actors and actress'. Most teenage girls are into comedy and drama therefore the use of a high school drama is a perfect way to attract the audience we want. When planning our title sequence focusing on the micro-features had become extremely important when wanting to attract our audience, these include of the cinematography, sound, editing and mise-en-SceneWhen showing the class our sequence it was extremely beneifical, although the class is not all teenage girls, it is a class full of teenagers therefore the feedback was extremely helpful every time it was given. One of the main aspects that would attract an audience is the music used, this is due to it being a memorable aspect to the sequence, and when our feedback was given back it was said that all the class had liked our music and once asking the class afterwards, all of them seemed to remember the beat from our sequence.  
To a teenage female girl fashion is very important, therefore dressing our 'Elite' girls in pink, fluffy outfits was crucial due to us wanting our audience to look at their outfits and wanting to go straight to the shops and buy something similar. Throughout our feedback we was told how our mise-en-scene had really fitted well with our setting and audience. In films such as clueless and mean girls, costume of the girls are also a very important aspect to the film, this is something that we also wanted to convey throughout our sequence.


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